Al Ahed News
Al Ahed News
About 84 days ago

UK: It’s Dangerous to Send NATO Troops in Ukraine

United Kingdom:Cameron said that the UK must continue to deliver weapons to Kiev
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Al Ahed News
Al Ahed News
About 84 days ago

UK Students Occupy University Campuses: Stop ‘Israel’s’ Genocide

United Kingdom:Students in Leeds, Newcastle and Bristol set up tents outside university buildings.
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Al Ahed News
Al Ahed News
About 94 days ago

UK Law to Send Asylum Seekers to Rwanda Passed

United Kingdom:The House of Lords criticized the latest bill as inadequate.
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Al Ahed News
Al Ahed News
About 111 days ago

London Mayor Urges Immediate End to UK Arms Sales to “Israel”

United Kingdom:Khan’s call represents a significant stance within the Labour Party.
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Al Ahed News
Al Ahed News
About 113 days ago

UK Faces Growing Pressure over Arms Sales to “Israel”

United Kingdom:British ministers say military sales to “Israel” were worth about £42 million.
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Al Ahed News
Al Ahed News
About 117 days ago

UK Gov’t Lawyers: ‘Israel’ in Breach of Humanitarian Law

United Kingdom:The British government has not announced it.
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Al Ahed News
Al Ahed News
About 119 days ago

British MPs Urge Gov’t to Reinstate UNRWA Funding without Delay

United Kingdom:50 MPs and members of the House of Lords urged the government to reinstate funding.
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Al Ahed News
Al Ahed News
About 121 days ago

More than 130 British MPs, Peers to Gov’t: Ban Arms Sales to ‘Israel’

United Kingdom:Cameron has stepped up his criticism of “Israel” in recent weeks
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Al Ahed News
Al Ahed News
About 125 days ago

400 Imams Slam New Definition of Extremism Targeting UK Muslims

United Kingdom:The imams wrote that Gove has a history of targeting Islam and Muslims under the label of “Islamism”.
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