
TEHRAN, November 28 (MNA) – Palestinian sources reported Tuesday the flight of Israeli warplanes over the Gaza Strip, while the spokesman of the Qassam Brigades warned the occupiers against repeated breaches of the temporary ceasefire."We will stay committed to the truce as long as the Israeli enemy shuns violating it," Abu Oneida, Qassam Brigades spokesman said in a statement on Tuesday, while the Palestinian sources reported the flight of Israeli warplanes over the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, the fifth day of the extended truce.

"Our forces responded to the ceasefire breach in northern Gaza" he said adding that, "We call on the mediators to compel the occupiers to adhere to all the terms of the ceasefire." Meanwhile, the Israeli occupying army has said in a statement that, "A number of our soldiers were injured in an explosion of 3 IEDs in northern Gaza" Qatar's foreign ministry said on Monday the truce in Gaza had been extended for two more days, Reuters reported.

In a statement, the Palestinian Resistance movement Hamas said that the temporary truce was extended in agreement with Qatar and Egypt and in accordance with the same conditions.

On Sunday, the Hamas Resistance movement released 17 hostages.

In exchange, Israel released 39 Palestinian prisoners, all of whom are minors, a Qatari spokesman said.

An extension could see more prisoners released from Gaza in exchange for Palestinian prisoners and a halt in fighting.

The Israel regime had said it would extend the cease-fire by a day for every 10 additional hostages released.


Original Article Source: Mehr News | Published on Tuesday, 28 November 2023 14:24 (about 328 days ago)