
TEHRAN, November 09 (MNA) – Iranian President’s Chief of Staff said that Trump administration could be a lesson for new leaders of the White House, referring to Trump’s defeat in US 2020 Presidential Election.In his tweet on Sunday, Mahmoud Vaezi wrote, “Trump Administration’s four years of harmful foreign policy could be a lesson for new White House leaders to take the opportunity to change the course and correct US misguided and wrong policies.” The defeat of Trump and the welcome of American people and most of the world countries of this event means that the era of unilateralism, extremism, tension, violation of commitments and also a violation of rights of nations is over,” he wrote.

Trump administration's four years of harmful foreign policy could be a lesson for new White House leaders to seize the opportunity to change the course and correct wrong US policies and come to terms with the new conditions of the international system, he added.


Original Article Source: Mehr News | Published on Sunday, 08 November 2020 21:35 (about 1356 days ago)