
By Staff, Agencies A group of students staged a protest outside Oxford's Blavatnik School of Government during a speech by former US presidential candidate and UN ambassador Nikki Haley. The protest, organized by Oxford Action for Palestine [OA4P], included the display of images depicting Haley signing an “Israeli” artillery shell.

“Nikki Haley is an unapologetic supporter of the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza,” said an OA4P spokesperson.

“During her May 28 visit to an artillery site near the Lebanon border, she signed a shell with the phrase ‘Finish Them All!’ alongside a heart and the words ‘America [Loves] Israel Always.’” The group condemned the Blavatnik School for inviting Haley, accusing it of complicity in crimes against humanity.

“We are disgusted that the Blavatnik School considers Haley worthy of a platform.

We will not stop until Oxford ends its role in perpetuating such injustices,” the spokesperson added.

Protesters surrounded Haley and her entourage, chanting, “Nikki Haley, you can’t hide, we charge you with genocide!” They also denounced her remarks labeling the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees [UNRWA] as a “terrorist organization.” The protest coincided with intensified “Israeli” aggression in the region and a recent decision by the “Israeli” parliament to ban UNRWA’s operations in occupied territories.

UNRWA, established in 1949, provides support to Palestinian refugees in Gaza, the West Bank, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan, initially aiding 700,000 displaced Palestinians following the establishment of “Israel.”

Original Article Source: Al Ahed News | Published on Saturday, 16 November 2024 09:09 (about 92 days ago)